Posted on: January 20th, 2014

Hello, I want to say here and now, if you have a problem with my use of the English Language or with my ability to spell every word correctly, then you probably need to move on and let the rest of us get on with the business of organizing to save this country and our way of life.

Hello there, I have been waiting for quite sometime to take this website live. I hope there will be hundreds of thousands and maybe even many millions that will join me here.

The most formidable enemy of our way of life is the liberal national news media. I started this site because I believe that there are millions of people that are conservative at heart in this country. Some people that are conservative don’t realize just how liberalism is killing our country because people just allow the national Liberal media to be their only source of news.

The national Liberal News Media is so slanted to the left that when something happens in the news that is bad for Democrats the media will either not mention it at all of just mention it once in passing. On the other hand when a Conservative person has a problem the liberal media will distort the story and relentlessly run the twisted facts day and night for weeks on end.

I cannot believe that there is a majority or even a large minority in this country that wants this country to end up like Mexico or any other 3rd world countries, where a majority of the people lice in cardboard huts and spend their days trying to just get enough food for that day.

It is my hope that this site will become the place where we conservative minded people can come together as a force to deal with some of this nations problems.

If you will, contact everyone that is on your mailing list and ask them to contact everyone on their mailing list and suggest that they come to this site and just check it out.

This is a place where you will be able to join simultaneously with other like minded people from all over the country to boycott advertisers of liberal media outlets like MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS etc. If we can just simply join together and not purchase any product(s) that a certain advertiser is promoting on that particular liberal news outlet. This is the first time in world history that the people all over the US have had a tool like the internet available to them. This tool allows us to organize and act together as one on a particular cause. Let’s look at an example. Lets say Procter & Gamble is advertising on CBS evening news, everyone that is a partner in this endeavor sends an email to Procter & Gamble protesting their participation in the promoting a politically liberal biased news show and let them know in that email that you will not be purchasing the products sold by proctor Gamble for a 6 month period starting with the date designated by the conservatism site.. In addition we as a unified group can do just what we said, boycott the products and not via the news on CBS during that same time period. I believe that if they were to receive thousands upon thousands in a day to two days all stating the same thing, they would withdraw their ad campaign from that network. The same email (curtsey copy) would need to be sent to the News department of NBC at the same time.

I will be furnishing here on the web site the email address of those we are giving our attention, to you. I will post the names of the companies and the networks of those we intend to give our attention.

Another thing we can do at the same time we do the boycotts is to send emails to our elected officials to let them know how we feel about their positions on certain things that are being voted on. I believe if they receive hundreds of thousands of emails all at the same time on a particular subject matter, they will pay attention to our demands on that subject.

Closing for now. Your Friend and fellow Conservative American.


Have a thought, give us a shout!